Франсиско Рейес

Francisco Reyes


Дата рождения:

Eugenio Francisco Reyes Morandé is a distinguished Chilean television, theatre and film actor. He made his debut in the year 1989 in the series Sor Teresa de Los Andes of TVN, transforming himself in one of the elite actors from the television channel. From his debut, his career has been filled with success. Very notable performances alongside Chilean actress Claudia di Girolamo who has become the perfect match for his persona. Francisco has been partners since 1987 with Carmen Romero and has 5 children. In 2007 he appeared in the TVN program El Baile and he won the competition.
Пропавшая / Sil-Jong (2009)


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У Хен-Чон пропадает сестра. По мобильному телефону сестры, Хен-Чон узнает, что её сестра недавно была в одной сельской местности. Она едет в эту деревню, чтобы найти свою сестру и обращается в местное отделение полиции за помощью. Но полиция...

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