Фред Грэхэм


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Fred Graham was an American actor and stuntman, who performed in scores of films from the 1930s. A semi-professional baseball player, Graham appeared mainly in Westerns, performing stunts and playing opposite John Wayne, among others. He also featured alongside Wayne in several films with director John Ford. He played small roles in two Alfred Hitchcock films, notably Vertigo, as the Police Officer who falls to his death in its famous opening scene while trying to help James Stewart. He continued working in films to the 1970s.
Семь человек с этого момента / Seven Men from Now (1956)


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Бен Страйд, бывший шериф города Силвер Спрингс, преследует семерых человек, повинных в убийстве его жены во время ограбления офиса компании Уэллс Фарго.

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