Говард Коселл


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Howard William Cosell was an American sports journalist who was widely known for his blustery, cocksure personality. Cosell said of himself, Arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, verbose, a showoff. There's no question that I'm all of those things. In its obituary for Cosell, The New York Times described Cosell's effect on American sports coverage: He entered sports broadcasting in the mid-1950s, when the predominant style was unabashed adulation, offered a brassy counterpoint that was first ridiculed, then copied until it became the dominant note of sports broadcasting.
Бананы / Bananas (1971)


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Нью-Йоркец Филдинг Меллиш по уши влюблен в политическую активистку Нэнси, которая в упор его не видит, так как с головой погружена в революцию в одной из «банановых» республик под названием Сан-Маркос. Вырядившись в форму а-ля Фидель Кастро и...

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