Хаклберри Фокс

Huckleberry Fox


Дата рождения:

Huckleberry Fox was born George Miller Fox on October 6, 1974 in Los Angeles, CA. He was a child actor during the 1980's. His first major screen credit was as Gene Hackman's son Miles in the 1984 drama "Misunderstood". He later attended The Foote School, a prep school in New Haven, Connecticut. He went on to study molecular biology at New York University and worked assessing New York City government performance. Later, he taught biology and animal physiology for several years before attending graduate school at Cornell to study animal science, nutrition and agroecology. He is interested in food systems,ecological restoration and pathways toward peaceful human survival on a biodiverse planet. He now works in agricultural research.\r \r Huckleberry Fox has been married to his wife Leah since October 2000 and they have one son, Antonio, born November 6, 2001. He had several acting credits in the mid-1990's, but none since 1996. Just a note: In addition to all his movie credits listed below, he had one guest appearance on the TV series Tales from the Darkside where he played the character of Jamie in an episode entitled "The Cutty Black Sow" (1988).
Армия фараона / Pharaoh's Army (1995)


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Действие этого вестерна разворачивается в 1862 году — во время братоубийственной Гражданской войны. Сара Андерс вместе с сыном живут на ранчо в Кентукки, в то время как ее муж сражается на стороне конфедератов. Изолированная спокойная жизнь Андерсов...

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