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Hayley J Williams

Hayley Joann Williams is a British actress. She has had an extensive theater and film career, most notably playing the lead role of Marie in the award-winning film chiller The Shadow Within, for which she was awarded Best Supporting Actress at the 2008 B-Movie Film Festival, and Best Actress at the LA Short Film Festival for her performance. Hayley has toured the UK in various theater productions during her professional career, and received excellent reviews for her role in The Coma at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Hayley trained at Drama Studio London, and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.
Тень внутри / The Shadow Within (2007)


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Морис Дюмон - мальчик, способный общаться с мёртвыми. Мари, его мать, попадает под влияние мадам Арман, которая убеждает её заставить своего сына быть посредником с потусторонним миром.

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