Кимберли Л. Коул

Kimberly Lynn Cole is an American actress and model. She is best known as a "B-Movie Scream Queen" for her performances in B-horror movies. She is also the owner of Scream Farm, her own haunted house in Jones, Alabama. As an actress she has appeared in numerous films, including Body Snatchers, Cremains, Psycho Santa, Dead Clowns, Dorm of the Dead, Diary of Nightmares, Descend into Darkness. She has also appeared in horror magazines such as Draculina and Sirens of Cinema. Ms. Cole has a son, Dylan Cole, who appeared with his mother in Psycho Santa and a bonus short attached to the film Southern Gothic entitled: Have You Seen Me, available in the U.K. Appeared in Sirens of Cinema Volume 2 Issue # 8.
Мертвые клоуны / Dead Clowns (2004)


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Однажды в маленьком прибрежном городке Порт Эмметт случилась трагедия: из-за урагана обрушился мост, в результате чего в воде погибла клоунская труппа заезжего цирка. Полвека спустя клоуны-мертвецы возвращаются, чтобы отомстить потомкам тех, кто...

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