Леонард Льюис

Leonard Lewis


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Leonard Jack Lewis was a British producer and director. He was most active in television. He was the Executive/Series Producer for BBC's EastEnders during the early 1990s, though he had success with many other television programmes for both the BBC and ITV. It has been said that Lewis believed in the principles of public service broadcasting and he has been described as a gifted television producer with hidden directorial talents. After over 40 years working in the television industry, Lewis retired in 1995. He died in December 2005, aged 78.
Смерть Ангела / Death of an Angel (1986)


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Грейс - овдовевшая набожная женщина, в одиночестве воспитывающая свою единственную дочь. Однажды Вера пропала. Грейс узнает, что девушка присоединилась к тайному обществу во главе с харизматичным человеком по имени Ангел, который обещает спасение...

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