Малкольм Ли Бэггс

Malcolm Lee Beggs was an American actor of the stage and screen. The son of actor/director Lee Beggs and stage actress Doris Singleton, he began performing professionally on the stage at the age of 5. He made appearances in two silent films: The Silent Plea and In Bridal Attire. In 1936 he made his Broadway debut as Don Abacchio in Bitter Stream. He went on to appear in the original Broadway productions of Devils Galore, Metropole, Seventh Heaven, and Mr. Wonderful. He also starred as William M. Tweed in the 1947 Broadway revival of Up in Central Park.
Гудини / Houdini (1953)


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Гудини — самый знаменитый фокусник, маг и волшебник XX века. Его фокусы завораживали современников, заставляли поверить в невозможное. Многие пытались открыть его секреты, но тщетно. Фильм рассказывает о нем, его любви, о пути к славе и бессмертию.

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