Мэттью МакФадзин

Matthew MacFadzean is a Canadian actor and playwright who was born in 1972 in North York, Ontario. As an actor, he has worked at theatres across Canada, including both the Shaw and Stratford Shakespeare festivals. He has written and produced eight plays, the most notable works including richardthesecond, and the multi-Dora award winning The Mill. He attended McGill University, the National Theatre School of Canada, and studied television writing at the Canadian Film Centre. He currently acts and writes for television. He is the winner of many awards including the prestigious Fox Foundation Scholarship. MacFadzean is the youngest of three children.
Защита свидетеля / Absolute Killers (2011)


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Джонни Грэм после смерти своих родителей вырос в преступной семье Турине, он постоянно разрывается между лояльностью к своей приемной семье и своей совестью. Ему поручают ликвидировать Элизабет Джонс, но он хочет просто предупредить ее, вместо этого...

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