Николас Радэлл

D. Nicholas Rudall is Professor of Classical Languages and Literatures, a member of on General Studies in the Humanities and Ancient Mediterranean World, and the College at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1966. He specializes in Greek drama, and has translated numerous works by Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes. His translations and adaptations are published by Ivan R. Dee of Chicago, for whom he is co-editor of the Plays for Performance Series with longtime friend and colleague Bernard Sahlins. Among undergraduates, Rudall is known particularly for his work with prominent Shakespearean David Bevington, with whom he created and co-taught a two-quarter sequence entitled History and Theory of Drama.
Девственница Джейн / Jane the Virgin (2014)


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Джейн выросла под влиянием строгой латиноамериканской бабушки, которая с ранних лет учила внучку скромности и воздержанию. Даже став красивой молодой женщиной, она оставалась целомудренной и пресекала все неприличные поползновения своего жениха. Но...

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