Расселл С. Хьюз

Russell S. Hughes


Дата рождения:

Russell S. Hughes was a screenwriter of movies such as Them!; Thunder Over the Plains with Randolph Scott; Anthony Mann's The Last Frontier with Victor Mature and Robert Preston; The Yellow Mountain with Mala Powers; Jubal with Ernest Borgnine and Rod Steiger; and a host of others and a variety of episodes for television series including Maverick episodes According to Hoyle and The Seventh Hand, both featuring James Garner as Bret Maverick and Diane Brewster as Samantha Crawford, as well as The Burning Sky and Robert Louis Stevenson's The Wrecker. Other series include Perry Mason with Raymond Burr, Zane Grey Theater, and both the movie Sugarfoot with Randolph Scott and the unrelated TV series Sugarfoot.
Джубал / Jubal (1956)


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Семи лет отроду Джубал Труп сбежал от родной матери, скитаясь, соглашался на любую работу, пока не подобрал его Шип Хоген, крупный скотовод, весельчак, да и просто славный малый. Джубал понравился Хогену спокойным характером и любовью к работе,...

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