Шемп Ховард

Shemp Howard

Samuel Horwitz, known professionally as Shemp Howard, was an American comedian and actor. He was called Shemp because Sam came out that way in his mother's thick Litvak accent. He is best known today for his role as the third stooge in the Three Stooges, a role he first portrayed at the beginning of the act in the early 1920s while the act was still associated with Ted Healy and known as Ted Healy and his Stooges, and again from 1947 until his death in 1955. Between his times with the Stooges, Shemp had a successful film career as a solo comedian.
Женщина-невидимка / The Invisible Woman (1940)


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Сумасшедший профессор Гиббс изобретает машину невидимости и начинает искать подходящую подопытную свинку. Он довольно быстро находит её в лице фотомодели Китти Кэрролл, но всё осложняется, когда его изобретение крадут несколько местных...

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