Стефен Амис

режиссер продюсер сценарист

Дата рождения:

Stephen Amis is a film and television screenwriter, film director and film producer, known mostly for his independent sci-fi, action and fantasy-themed films. He is the winner of numerous awards, including a 1986 Victorian Young Achiever's Award and two Australian Cinematographer's Awards. He graduated from the Swinburne Film & Television School in 1989. His first feature film, See Jack Run, won the 1994 Australian Children's Film Festival. He was born in Melbourne, Australia. He is set to direct Defend - Conserve - Protect, a documentary centred on the work of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, featuring actor Dan Aykroyd.
25-ый рейх / The 25th Reich (2012)


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Пять американских солдат выполняют секретную миссию, связанную с путешествиями во времени, но события выходят из-под контроля. Они катапультируются и попадают на 50 000 лет назад, где им необходимо вернуть в строй инопланетный корабль, чтобы помочь...

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