Терри Блэквуд

Terry Blackwood is a contemporary Christian musician who is best known as lead singer for Christian pop act The Imperials. He was with the group for nearly a decade, joining in 1967 and remaining with them through 1976. At that time, he left the group along with fellow Imperial Sherman Andrus to form Andrus, Blackwood and Company, one of the only racially integrated groups in contemporary Christian music at the time. They recorded 6 albums together between 1977 and 1986.
Билли: Ранние годы / Billy: The Early Years (2008)


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Он был и остаётся знаковой фигурой евангелизма конца XX – начала XXI веков. Но что мы знаем о его ранних годах? Годах, которые привели его к служению всей жизни? В основанной на фактах биографии исторической драме, Билли Грэм показан искренним...

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