Томми Лиутас


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Tommy Lioutas is a Canadian actor. He is known for his role as Griff in Whistler and as Rich Powell in The Best Years. He also has several other television and film credits. Lioutas became a regular cast of the series Whistler in season 2. He also appeared in Degrassi: The Next Generation. Lioutas's character in The Best Years is Samantha Best's boyfriend and they have a struggling on and off relationship. He also starred in How I Married My High School Crush. He appeared in the 2009 Drama-themed film The Bend. He received an Angel Award for Best Cast Ensemble for his performance in The Cross Road.
Тигрёнок Даниэль и его соседи / Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (2012)


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В далёком королевстве находится волшебный город, все обитатели которого дружат семьями. Каждый день тигрёнок Даниэль вместе с родителями ходит в гости к совам, котятам и даже королевскому семейству! Малыш ни дня не скучает, ведь у него в запасе...

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