Тульси Рамсей

режиссер художник

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Tulsi Ramsay was an Indian film director. He was the son of F.U. Ramsay and was one of the famous Seven Ramsay Brothers. The other six are Kumar Ramsay, Shyam Ramsay, Keshu Ramsay, Arjun Ramsay, Gangu Ramsay and Kiran Ramsay. Tulsi Ramsay directed several movies in the Horror genre during the 80's and 90's. Movies such as Hotel, Purana Mandir, Tahkhana, Veerana, Bandh Darwaza have acquired a cult following. He has also directed the Zee Horror Show TV series in 1993. The memories of most of the episodes of this TV series are still afresh in the hearts of horror enthusiasts in India. He ran a production company, Tulsi Ramsay Production located at Andheri in Mumbai. Ramsay died on 14 December, 2018 in a city hospital in Mumbai after complaining of chest pains.
Старый храм / Purana Mandir (1984)


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Суман, богатая наследница королевского рода, живет вместе с отцом в достатке и роскоши. Она влюбляется в парня по имени Санджай. Молодые люди хотят пожениться. Но отец Суман решительно настроен против их брака. После безуспешных попыток разлучить...
Страшный лес / Veerana (1988)


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Красивая молодая девушка с детства одержима злым духом. Она бродит по заброшенным местам, чтобы соблазнять и убивать людей, делая мир мрачным и наполняя его хаосом..

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