Артур Годфри


Дата рождения:

Arthur Morton Godfrey was an American radio and television broadcaster and entertainer who was sometimes introduced by his nickname, The Old Redhead. An on-air incident undermined his folksy image and resulted in a gradual decline. At the peak of his success in the mid-1950s, Godfrey helmed two CBS-TV weekly series and a daily 90-minute television mid-morning show, but, by the early 1960s, his presence had been reduced to hosting the occasional TV special and his daily network radio show, which ended in 1972.
Лодка со стеклянным дном / The Glass Bottom Boat (1966)


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Дженнифер Нельсон и Брюс Темплтон встречаются при весьма забавных обстоятельствах: во время рыбалки Брюс выуживает из океана странный костюм, который оказывается «нижней частью» снаряжения проплывающей мимо Дженнифер, а именно — хвостом русалки.

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