Джерад Андерсон


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Jerad Anderson is an American musician and entrepreneur. He's the founder of Whitelist Content and Wayne/Lauren Film Company. He was the founding member and lead guitarist for 100 Monkeys, a rock band that toured internationally. His entertainment career began as an actor, where he found success with roles in television and film. He holds a degree in Communications from San Diego State University. While there he ran a graphic design business that helped him pay his way through. The most recent film he produced, Girlfriend won several awards including the prestigious Gotham Award. He is fluent in American Sign Language.
Плохая репутация / Bad Reputation (2005)


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Обычная школьная вечеринка для скромной и застенчивой Мишель закончилась групповым изнасилованием. Мало того! Подружки малолетних подонков, узнав о случившемся, решили наказать "развратницу". На следующее утро каждый в школе, где она училась, знал о...

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