Джон Шнепп

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Jonathan D. Jon Schnepp is an American producer, director, voice actor, editor, writer, cartoonist, animator, and cinematographer whose company, Schneppzone, works on short films and television shows. His documentary film The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? was met with mostly positive reviews upon its release in 2015. He regularly makes appearances on Collider Movie Talk and Collider Nightmares, and hosts Collider Heroes each week.
Братья Вентура / The Venture Bros. (2003)


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Американский анимационный сериал известный интересным сценарием, странными персонажами и неожиданными сюжетными поворотами. Повествует о приключениях двух глуповатых подростков, Дина и Хенка, их отца, эгоистичного доктора Тадеуса "Расти"...

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