Маршалл Эфрон


Дата рождения:

Marshall Efron is an American actor and humorist originally known for his work on the listener-sponsored Pacifica radio stations WBAI New York and KPFK Los Angeles, and later for the PBS television show The Great American Dream Machine. At WBAI, Efron was a frequent guest on Steve Post's & Bob Fass's shows, along with left-wing/counter-culture figures such as Paul Krassner. One memorable broadcast had Efron and Krassner filling in for the vacationing Fass, and identifying themselves as Columbia University students who had taken the station over as part of the Columbia University protests of 1968; although regular listeners were very familiar with the voices of Krassner and Efron, police officers responded three different times during the broadcast to reports from listeners who thought the takeover was a legitimate event. Efron also produced features of his own such as A Satirical View.

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