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Дата рождения:

Austin Williams is an American soap opera actor. In 2005, Austin was cast in the film The Good Shepherd, which starred Matt Damon, as the young version of Damon's character Edward Wilson. Here he also displayed his vast musical talents, including metal guitar and classical piano compositions. In October 2007, he was cast in the role of Shane Morasco on One Life to Live, a role that continued until January 2012. In 2008, he was nominated for a Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a Feature Film - Young Actor Age Ten or Younger for his role as Henry Clayton in the 2007 film Michael Clayton.
Домашнее кино / Home Movie (2008)


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В отдаленных лесах провинциальных областей штата Нью-Йорк, живет семья По. Прекрасный дом. Прекрасный брак. Если бы еще дети перестали пришивать лягушек к деревьям. Что-то не так с десятилетними близнецами, Джеком и Эмили По. И, чтобы остановить их,...

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