Роджер Росс Уильямс

Roger Ross Williams

режиссер продюсер

Дата рождения:

Roger Ross Williams is an American television news, documentary and entertainment director, producer and writer. He directed most notably Music by Prudence that won the Academy Award for Best Documentary, about a 21-year-old Zimbabwean singer-songwriter Prudence Mabhena, who was born severely disabled and has struggled to overcome poverty and discrimination. All other seven members of Prudence's band Liyana are also disabled. Williams's film God Loves Uganda, which premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival to enormous critical acclaim. It was shortlisted for a 2014 Academy Award, has won over a dozen awards and screened at over 60 film festivals worldwide. His latest film Life, Animated was nominated for the 2017 Academy Award.
Анимированная жизнь / Life, Animated (2016)


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В основе картины лежит книга-бестселлер The New York Times, написанная отцом главного героя — писателем и журналистом Роном Саскиндом, обладателем Пулитцеровской премии. До трех лет его сын Оуэн развивался совершенно нормально. Но однажды, внезапно...

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