Сумали Монтано

Sumalee Montano is an American actress and voice actress, born in Columbus, Ohio, United States. She worked as an investment bank analyst in New York City and Hong Kong before starting her acting career, and is also a writer. She has acted in ER, Minority Report, The West Wing, Boston Legal, Bones, Nip/Tuck, Hancock, and Commander in Chief. As a voice actor, she provided the voices of Mystique in X-Men: Destiny, Yerema in Dead Island, Cali in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, Arcee in Transformers: Prime and Mera in Justice League Throne of Alantis. She currently resides in Los Angeles where she continues to work on her career.
Кловерфилд, 10 / 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)


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Проснувшись после автомобильной аварии, девушка оказывается в подвале человека, утверждающего, что он спас ей жизнь от химической атаки, которая сделала мир за пределами бункера непригодным для жизни.
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