Винс Фостер


Дата рождения:

Vincent Walker Vince Foster Jr. was a Deputy White House Counsel during the first half-year of President Bill Clinton's administration. Prior to that, he was a partner at Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he was a colleague and friend of Hillary Rodham Clinton and where, as The Washington Post later wrote, he rose to the pinnacle of the Arkansas legal establishment. At the White House he was unhappy with work in politics and spiraled into depression. His death by gunshot was attributed by five official or governmental investigations to suicide but several conspiracy theories emerged.
Пассажиры / Passengers (2016)


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Космический корабль с 5,000 пассажиров на борту, погруженных на время полета в искусственный сон, держит курс на планету, которая станет для них новым домом. Всё идет по плану, но из-за сбоя системы двое пассажиров неожиданно просыпаются и понимают,...

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