Винс Оффер

режиссер актер монтаж продюсер сценарист

Дата рождения:

Offer Shlomi, better known as Vince Offer, Vince Shlomi, or The ShamWow Guy, is an Israeli American director, writer, comedian, and infomercial pitchman. Offer's first major work was the 1999 comedy film The Underground Comedy Movie. Offer owns, produces, and appears in television commercials for his products ShamWow!, an absorbent towel; the Slap Chop, a kitchen utensil; a lint roller called the Schticky; a liquid cleaner called InVinceable; and more recently, another kitchen utensil called Crank Chop. He has also officially advertised other products that he does not own, such as Quicky Grass.
Непристойная комедия / InAPPropriate Comedy (2013)


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Жанр: , ,

Cобрание смешных скетчей, в которых живописно представлены звезды шоу-бизнеса Америки.
Андеграундная комедия / The Underground Comedy Movie (1999)


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Жанр: ,

Умопомрачительно смешная и агрессивная комедия-скетч в стиле фильмов Джона Уотерса, в которой вы увидите звезд модельного и шоу-бизнеса Америки.

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