Уинтон Хэйуорт


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Vinton Hayworth, also known as Jack Arnold and Vincent Haworth, was an American actor, playwright and screenwriter who began in weaselly and milquetoast roles and aged into dignified character parts. He appeared in over 90 films during his career, as well as on numerous television shows. He is most likely best known for his final role, that of General Schaeffer on the sit-com I Dream of Jeannie, which he played on the final three seasons of the show. He is the uncle to film legend, Rita Hayworth, as well as being the uncle of another screen legend, Ginger Rogers.
Зорро / Zorro (TV Series) (1957)


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XIX век. В Испанскую Калифорнию из Мадрида после долгого отсутствия возвращается Дон Диего де ла Вега. Однако родные края уже не те, что были прежде. Лос-Анджелес захлестнула волна коррупции, а правит городом безжалостный капитан Монастарио. Обдумав...

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