Лин Одинг

Lin Oeding

Lin William Oeding is an American film director, stunt coordinator and second unit director. Oeding graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2001. He is an alumnus of the College of Communications with a focus in Film Writing and Directing. After college, he moved to Hollywood, CA in hopes of being a stuntman and film director. Oeding worked as a stuntman on over 100 features and television shows including Batman Vs. Superman, Man of Steel, The Dark Knight Rises, Inception, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Transformers 2, Fast and Furious 4, Star Trek., Mad Men, and 24. He would eventually transition into stunt coordinating in 2011 on the features Arena and The Power of Few, which led to him stunt coordinating features such as The Equalizer and Olympus Has Fallen. He directed the short films Intrepretation Wake, and Lifted. Oeding's directoral debut is the Sony Pictures feature Brass Knuckles. Oeding is a member of The Directors Guild of America, the Screen Actors Guild, and the American Federation of Radio Television Artists. Oeding was a 1989 Semi-Finalist at the Tetris Nintendo World Championship.
Кровавая гонка / Blood Drive (2017)


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Действие сериала «Кровавая езда» разворачивается в альтернативном постапокалиптическом будущем в Лос-Анджелесе. Нехватка топлива привела к тому, что люди изобрели машины, работающие на человеческой крови. В центре событий — хороший коп Артур Бэйли,...
Дикий / Braven (2018)


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Не всем везет работать по призванию, ведь кому-то приходится подстраиваться под обстоятельства. Не повезло и Джо Брэйвену, вынужденному скрываться в глухих лесах, работая лесником. Мужчина пытается таким способом уберечь свою семью от напастей,...

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