Роберт Лессер


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Robert Lesser or Bobby Lesser is an American actor born in New York City and now living in Santa Barbara, California. His earliest work dates back to 1967 with David Holzman's Diary, directed by Jim McBride. His latest movies include the Japanese film Best Wishes for Tomorrow and post-production Painting in the Rain. Lesser has worked with Bruce Willis, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matthew Broderick, Dennis Quaid, Penelope Ann Miller, and Richard Mulligan. He is well known in the Santa Barbara theater community.
Послание в завтрашний день / Ashita e no yuigon (2007)


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Фильм снят по мотивам произведения Сёхея Оока и представляет собой экранизацию одной из наименее известных глав в истории Второй Мировой войны. Сюжет повествует о военном трибунале над генерал-лейтенантом Японской армии Тадзуку Окада , который...

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